Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well it's a lovely Tuesday and I have nothing exciting to report. We did have a busy weekend with Blake's cousin Ellyce's wedding. It was great to be with them in the Temple and to celebrate their big day. We were quite busy helping with everything so I didn't manage to get many pictures! But as soon as I get them uploaded, I will post some of them. We also got to have Blake's parents stay with us the night before the wedding ,so that was a fun time. We ventured out to Cafe Rio and Downtown Philly Cheesesteak (for Blake) for some yummy dinner and ended the evening watching Paul Blart Mall Cop. Haha that's a classic show if you haven't seen it. I can turn it off after the first 10 minutes because I think that's the funniest part, but hey it's a good time even if you watch the whole thing.
We also celebrated Jen's birthday on Sunday! She is the big 2-9. Sheesh, it seems like just yesterday her and I were sitting in our bedroom together saying "When I am 16 you are going to be 20!" Yah, time flies folks. Before we know it we will be old and gray. Guess we better enjoy our lively young spry bodies while we can. Just yesterday I told Blake that I can feel the old oozing through me. I need to enter a tennis tournament. I think the will to kill someone in a match can bring me back to my youth. Or at least remind me how to swear. And act un-sportsmanlike. So there ya have it, Em's weekend update. This week we are having our CVE Golf Tournament so at least it's another 4 day work-week for me. As for Blake, another week of five 12's. Heaven help him, I think he is ready to go back to school. 21 credit hours doesn't seem so bad now. I think it's time I sit back and enjoy our busy lives, before I know it I will have 12 kids and crafty long fingernails that coordinate with every holiday.
Happy Tuesday.
Oh. I just realized I have something sensible to blog about. Jenny just got pictures taken of her family by our good friend Cherise and they turned out adorable! Here are a few of my favorites:


Just Rawlings Along said...

Oh my gosh all of your pictures are beautiful!!!!!! We miss all of you guys sooooo much. Keep up the good work at being the best aunt ever Em. Talk to you soon!

Lesley said...

emily....love your blog! i'm working on getting ours up and running and added you guys to our blog list. i'd love to meet your hubby sometime and see you to catch up. you guys look so happy ;-)


Emily's Blog full of Newsssssss. Woo.

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