Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shiver me Timbers.

This past weekend Blake and I came home from a lovely time in Price, to a lovely flooded basement.
I stepped into our front door, and felt something slick between my toes. As I carried the groceries into the kitchen and set them down i walked onto the carpet to reach for our light. Squishhhhhhh. Water over the toes. I proceed to walk down the hall to our bedroom, squish more water. And lots and lots of wet shoes.
As our luck would have it, our ENTIRE basement flooded due to the insane amount of rain we got this weekend. And just as more of our luck would have it, we were out of town with no idea. So since Sunday we have had all of our home moved into our kitchen and everything else shoved into one corner of our bedroom while 30 fans are screaming to dry everything out.
Aside from a few dinners in our room and some movie watching, we just dont go home as much as possible. What a lovely time! So I apologize for the lapse in blogging, but as you can see.... we've got water on the mind. And lots of it.


Mandy said...

So when is the swim party?

The Buckingham Family said...

Oh no!
All your new wedding stuff..did anything get ruined?!
I remember our basement flooding..because of the DANG toliet.
Tell the owners to invest in a sump pump...isn't that what they are called so it won't flood?? But maybe it wouldn't have kept up anyway!

BJ and Sherrie Benson said...

That sucks! I am so sorry. What a pain. Hopefully it didn't ruin too much of your stuff.

Bateman's Latest Kill said...

Bummer nothing worse.


Emily's Blog full of Newsssssss. Woo.

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