Saturday, November 10, 2012

Audrey Jayne Wilde

Obviously I'm extreeeemely behind on my blog posting, so here is a little catch up for you. 
Audrey Jayne Wilde was born on July 29, 2012 at 5pm. Yaaaaay!
She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was...wait for it.....19 inches long. 
Can you believe that!? We had bets going that she would be at least 35 inches between my height and Blake's. But either way, she was just as perfect as can be! 
Her tummy decided to be a little bit of a stinker the following morning after delivery and Audrey got her first helicopter ride to Primary Children's. One of the HARDEST days of my life, or week for that matter. But after a quick VIP stint in the NICU for a week we took her home when she was 6 days old. 
THAT was the best feeling ever.
Here are some pics of the most amazing day of our lives!

When we first brought her home she would get up about every 4 hours to eat in the night.Looking back, those midnight feedings were some of the best moments that I had with her. I always heard how hard it was from others, and how tired I would be....yadadada, but I loved those hours with just her and I. There is something about a baby in those soft jammies and the way they just stare into your eyes, and look to you for their every need. Makes you wonder what they are thinking and how this world compares to that sweet heaven that they just came from. 
From week 6 to about week 9 she decided to have a little bit of colic and would scream from 7-10pm. These weeks gave me a GREAT appreciation for others who have had to deal with colic for long amounts of time! It was sooooo hard and I remember feeling so helpless. There were times that I swear she was saying to me 'pleeeease help me'! And there was nothing I could do to help her calm down. Finally she decided to start liking car rides, and the bumpier the better. So we found a nice little route behind our house, and Blake and I would laugh because we would literally swerve to hit every bump along the way. She is going to like roller coasters just like her Mommy and Daddy, I just know it!

 We got these newborn photos taken at 2 weeks. My mom gave her the angel wing as a gift, I remember as life flight was getting ready to load her up my Dad walked over to the pilot and shook his hand, "You'll be flying with a wing and a prayer' he said to him. I lost it. I love her little angel wing and cant wait to give it to her when shes older and tell her all about her adventurous beginning. I know there were lots of angel around my baby as she flew to the greatest hospital ever.

This past Sunday we blessed Audrey in the same dress that I was blessed in, it was such an amazing day. She is now 3.5 months old. I cannot believe how FAST time has flown by. She is learning how to hold her own binky and direct it into her mouth, she loves watching Disney Jr and Tangled, and she looooves taking baths! Like Mother like daughter I guess =)
I can't even remember what life was like before we had her.
Blake and I are so excited to have 12 more someday! Sike! 
But seriously, life is GREAT. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Uno more Montho!

Well this pregnancy is well on it's way! We are getting soooo excited to welcome our baby girl to our family next month. I officially have 4 weeks left, the count down is on! Here are a few pics from our latest adventures. The nursery is 95% done, we are just waiting on our rocker recliner and then have to hang all of our stuff on the walls, all we need is a cute little girl to arrive! But we can wait a few more weeks....=) Enjoy the pics!

4 more weeks, can't wait!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well it's official......A Wilde baby is on the way!

Blake and I are so excited to announce (a little late on here, but oh well....) that we are having a baby girl! She will be here in August, we can't wait for her arrival!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Could it Be??????

I am officially back from the land of the dead.
I figure it's time I start writing on this little thing again...because I am a loser for not doing it for 5 months or however long it has been! And I think I should again. So that is all.

Anywho, here is a list of a few recent updates that you should probably know about.

I now work at Riverton Hospital, and LOOOOOVE it. I'm on the med/surg floor and get to take care of all the sickies. It's so nice dealing with people now, instead of paper!

I am currently in my last semester, yes last semester of school, before I officially get my RN. Boy how time flies! Now this doesnt mean I only have this semester left. I am going straight into my Bachelor program which will be an extra 2 semesters. But still, we are getting close people. Say hello to Nurse Nancy in less than 3 months....Halleluyer!
We recently went to Disneyland with the Wilde Bunch, here are some pics for your viewing pleasure. We played at Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Disneyland for 3 days, and a Yankees/Angels game to finish it off nicely!

This picture makes Blake angry.
This is the closest Blake would get to the teacups, therefore we didn't get to ride them.
Nothing fun to say hear, except we didn't coordinate our outfits.
At Angels stadium, before the big Angels WIN! =)
Playing at Huntington Beach, ready to go back already!

And how to not strap your baby into the car. I'm trying to learn these types of things before we decide to have a kid.
Other than that good old life has been about the same. My dog grew up and hates me, my hubby finally got his bronco up here from Price and thinks he is a bachelor again when driving it, I am about to turn 100,000 miles over on my Silver Sanchez Mazda 3, I recently got my haircut so that I no longer look like a polygamous, and my husband thinks we need to buy a golf cart. That about sums up the past 3 months, glad to be back everyone. Have a Happy October!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I'm employed again.
Pretty sad that like 2 posts back I was so excited to say I finally quit my job! But hey, it was an opportunity I just couldn't pass up. I'm excited to say that I will be Riverton Hospital's newest employee, I applied online for a med/surg PCA job and actually got an interview. Which in and of itself was a huge surprise! And it turns out I didn't completely blow my interview... so yay for that! I will be starting my orientation on June 27th and hopefully will start working shortly after. Wish me LUCK, and I hope to NOT see any of you on my floor anytime soon! =)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack!

Wow, let's just say that once I quit my job I forgot all about blogging world.
I can't believe it's been almost 3 months since I last posted! Things are going great, it has been nice being able to focus solely on school instead of school and work! I got Spring semester over with and passed with flying colors, if that's what you call it =) Now I'm eyeball deep in pathophysiology. I'm taking it first block, so it's only 7 weeks instead of 14 weeks and it's a party, to say the least! But I only have 3 more weeks left, so that is spectacular! Other than that we have been camping twice already, hit up the zoo and a Bee's game and we are really hoping that this dang weather will clear up so that we can have some summer fun! I'll start posting some pics of our summer fun-ness and try to get back into writing a blog every now and then. Happy June to everyone!


Emily's Blog full of Newsssssss. Woo.

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